abductor$81$ - translation to ελληνικό
Διαδικτυακό λεξικό

abductor$81$ - translation to ελληνικό

Abductor digiti quinti; Abductor digiti quinti muscle; Abductor minimi digiti; Abductor digiti minimi muscle; Abductor minimi digiti muscle; Abductor digiti minimi (disambiguation); Musculus abductor digiti quinti; Abductor digiti quinti (disambiguation); Abductor digiti; Musculus abductor digiti minimi; Abductor digiti minimi muscles

n. απαγωγέας, απαγωγεύς, απαγωγός, απαγωγός μυς, απαγωγεύς μυς
palm of the hand         
  • Image showing the [[carpal bones]]
  • Cutaneous innervation of the upper limb
  • Arches of the hand<br />Red: one of the oblique arches<br />Brown: one of the longitudinal arches of the digits<br />Dark green: transverse carpal arch<br />Light green: transverse metacarpal arch
  • alt=An animated gif of a hand's bones splaying
  • Hand arteries
  • Human hand parts
  • Bones of the human hand
  • Javanese tree shrew]] and a human
  • Muscles and other structures of wrist and palm
  • Extensor compartments of wrist (back of hand)
Hands; Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus; Hand (anatomy); Carpi radialis brevis; Extensor brevis pollicis; Extensores carpi radialis longus; Extensor digitorum (hand); Abductor brevis; Extensor carpus radialis longus; Extensor carpus radialis brevis; Extensor carpus ulnar; Hand deformities; Extensor pollicis longis; Palms of the hands; Small muscles of the hand; Phalangeal joints of hand; Phalangeal articulations of hand; Hand joints; Thenar region; Finger muscles; Extensor digitorum muscle of hands; Abductor longus; Human hand; Thenal; Dorsum of the hands; Hand bones; Ligaments of the Hand; Palm (anatomy); Hand fractures; Hand fracture; Broken hand; Anatomy of the hand; Hand heel; Heel of the hand; Hand anatomy; User:Taylornate/Extrinsic muscles of the hand; User:Taylornate/Extrinsic extensor muscles of the hand; ECRL muscle; ECU muscle; ED muscle; Opisthenar; Heel (hand); Intrinsic hand muscles; Hand dorsum; Dorsum of hand; Palm of hand; Human hands; 👐; Palm (hand); ✋; 🖑; 🖐; Palm (hands); 👐🏻; 👐🏼; 👐🏽; 👐🏾; 👐🏿; Evolution of hands; Evolution of the human hand; ✋🏾; Palm of the hand; ✋🏻
Ursa Major         
  • The Pinwheel Galaxy
  • H. A. Rey's alternative asterism for Ursa Major can be said to give it the longer head and neck of a polar bear, as seen in this photo, from the ''left'' side.
  • Ursa Major and Ursa Minor in relation to Polaris
  • Ursa Major and Polaris with names of bright stars in the Big Dipper
  • center
  • Ursa Major shown on a carved stone, c.1700, [[Crail]], Fife
Ursa Major constellation; UMa; Ursa Major (constellation); Ursa Maior; Great and Little Bear; Ursa major; Delaware Diamond; TYC 3429-697-1; Constellation Ursa Major; 5 Ursae Majoris; 6 Ursae Majoris; 17 Ursae Majoris; 19 Ursae Majoris; 20 Ursae Majoris; 21 Ursae Majoris; 22 Ursae Majoris; 27 Ursae Majoris; 28 Ursae Majoris; 31 Ursae Majoris; 32 Ursae Majoris; 35 Ursae Majoris; 38 Ursae Majoris; 39 Ursae Majoris; 40 Ursae Majoris; 42 Ursae Majoris; 43 Ursae Majoris; 44 Ursae Majoris; 46 Ursae Majoris; 49 Ursae Majoris; 51 Ursae Majoris; 57 Ursae Majoris; 58 Ursae Majoris; 59 Ursae Majoris; 60 Ursae Majoris; 62 Ursae Majoris; 66 Ursae Majoris; 67 Ursae Majoris; 68 Ursae Majoris; 70 Ursae Majoris; 71 Ursae Majoris; 72 Ursae Majoris; 73 Ursae Majoris; 74 Ursae Majoris; 75 Ursae Majoris; 76 Ursae Majoris; 81 Ursae Majoris; 82 Ursae Majoris; 86 Ursae Majoris; R Ursae Majoris; T Ursae Majoris; U Ursae Majoris; Z Ursae Majoris; RV Ursae Majoris; ST Ursae Majoris; 37 Ursae Majoris; SX Ursae Majoris; TY Ursae Majoris; UY Ursae Majoris; VX Ursae Majoris; VY Ursae Majoris; ZZ Ursae Majoris; AA Ursae Majoris; AB Ursae Majoris; AR Ursae Majoris; BC Ursae Majoris; BM Ursae Majoris; CH Ursae Majoris; CO Ursae Majoris; CY Ursae Majoris; DH Ursae Majoris; DI Ursae Majoris; DV Ursae Majoris; HD 77234; EE Ursae Majoris; EG Ursae Majoris; EI Ursae Majoris; EK Ursae Majoris; EN Ursae Majoris; EP Ursae Majoris; EU Ursae Majoris; EV Ursae Majoris; EZ Ursae Majoris; IY Ursae Majoris; KS Ursae Majoris; NQ Ursae Majoris; NY Ursae Majoris; Alpha Ursae Majorids; Alpha Ursa Majorids; 19 UMa
μεγάλη άρκτος [ζώδιο]


Abductor digiti minimi

Abductor digiti minimi (or Abductor digiti quinti) may refer to:

  • Abductor digiti minimi muscle of hand
  • Abductor digiti minimi muscle of foot